Swami Beyondananda’s 2021 State of the Universe

Steve Bhaerman
6 min readApr 5, 2021

And the Last Trump Shall Blow… The BEGINNING of the World is At Hand!

“Start the world — I want to get on!” — Swami Beyondananda

(Swami’s Note: Given the current gender agenda and how easy it is to say “you guys” to a mixed-gender group, we are initiating a new term that applies to anyone walking the earth — Gaians — or denizens of Gaia. It should help us all feel more “grounded.”)


Hey you Gaians.

Welcome to the 2021 State of the Universe address. And the state of the Universe, I am happy to report, is everchanging, same as always. And expanding. Last year they had to let the photon belt out another notch.

Meanwhile, back on this planet known throughout the Galaxies as “Comedy Central” we are witnessing the changing of the Ages. Prior to the U.S. election last fall, both sides predicted the “end of the world” if their guy lost, or worse yet if the other guy won. Well, they were both right, sort of.

One world ends, and another begins.

We have left the Age of Nefarious (“when the goon moves into Lincoln’s house and stupider aligns with Mars…”) and are entering the Age of Aquarius. But not quite yet. We are in that awkward addled-essence stage called the Age of Precarious.

We are living in apocalyptic — and for many, apoplectic — times. Apocalypse means “lifting of the veils”, and in 2020 the “irony curtain” lifted, as every affliction of the body politic got exposed: Irony deficiency, truth decay, electile dysfunction, and the most distressing symptom of our political insanity, bi-polar disorder.

Then there was the U.S. Presidential election. What a choice we had: New world order or old world odor. It was a truly unbelievable election. Really. Even now, more than 40% of Americans still don’t believe it. And it’s understandable. Given all the fake news and real lies out there, it’s hard to know who not to believe these days. So people now have permission to believe the most unbelievable things, like Q-Anon.

Donald Trump and Q-Anon — a match made in devil’s heaven: The super-duper duper meets the super-duped. The ex-President, whose greatest asset is his lie-ability, put his followers into a state of trance-fiction — an ecstatic state where they are transfixed by a fiction they imagine is real, even after every reality check bounces. For those who don’t feel sheepish about having the wool pulled over their eyes, a new group is forming …Q-Anon-And-On-And-On.

Of course in the end Donald Trump, got gored by his own bull. Not even the Oaf Keepers could keep that oaf in office. The sane and sacred center prevailed, and American people went for political climate change — warmer hearts and cooler heads.

And we are going to need both of those.

Because now we face an even bigger oaf lurking right in front of us, and it is the big Goliath of globalism that uses gobble-ism to devour the natural world, and Goebbelism to make sure the people are appropriately brainwashed and mind-fogged so they don’t notice. In the wake of the COVID pandemic, there has been a “bandemic” of censorship. It’s one thing to be up to our eyeballs in facemasks. Now to stop the spread of novel viral ideas, we are being instructed to cover our eyes and ears as well.

So, how DO we make this Goliath go lieth down?

Well, it all goes back to the Bible, the Book of Revelation. In all undue seriousness, I am not kidding. As the prophet Casey Stengel said, “You could look it up.” A sign that the end times are at hand (according to 1 Corinthians 15:52) is … “and the last Trump shall blow.”

When the mega-phony with the MAGA-phone tooted his last tweet from the White House, we expelled the residoo-doo of 10,000 years living by the rule of the lowest common dominator. It was the end of that world, and the beginning of a new world. We are now ready to get off the old battlefield, and step on to a new playing field. Just as we installed a new President, it is even more important for us to instill a new precedent: Government of, by, and for the people, where the government does OUR bidding, not the bidding of the highest bidder.

In last year’s State of the Universe Address, I set out a two-step program, and we have successfully completed the first step. We have de-elected the misleader. We have fired the first Big Shot and launched the upwising. Now it is time to take the second step — bring left and right front and center to face the music and dance together.

Who Needs Conspiracy Theories When You Have Con’s Piracy Facts?

While outlandish conspiracy theories have sucked innocent Elmer Fudds down the wabbit-hole of pedophilia and worse, we are diverted from the more “inlandish” con’s piracy facts that are as plain as the masks on our face. Privatizing privateers have conned us into policies that deplete the commonwealth and benefit only the uncommonly wealthy. We have been hoodwinked by winking hoods running the oldest political scam in the world — divide-and-conquer.

And … as our political and economic system has been hijacked, it is up to we the people to higher-jack it.

The antidote to divide-and-conquer is unite-and-prevail.

If we truly want to “overgrow” the deep state, we must cultivate a deeper state, and that is the Great Upwising. We have to wake up to the illusion of separation, and wise up to the power of love. We have to grow up from children of God to adults of Good, so that our entire species can wise to the occasion. And we have to show up on a new playing field, ready to play a new game — thrival for each and all.

Yes, there are those who lament that a very, very small percentage of people run and control everything. And I say — what great news. It means there’s way, way more of us than there are of them. It’s like the old Lone Ranger and Tonto story. The two of them are caught in an ambush, and the Lone Ranger says, “Well, Tonto, looks like we’re done for, we’re surrounded by Indians.” And Tonto says, “What you mean WE, Kemosabe?”

So for those not content to leave Orwell enough alone, I offer this encouraging word. The way we overgrow Big Brother is with bigger brotherhood, sisterhood, and loving-one-another-hood. And by sharing a commonly-sensed common sense consensus — that we’re better off working together than fighting one another.

The Bible says, where there is no vision, the people perish. And … where there IS vision, the people thrive. So, if you don’t like the current programming, turn off your TV and tell-a-vision. That’s where I tell a vision to you, and you tell a vision to me, and we tell our visions to each other until we are finally looking out in the same direction together. And when we look outward together, LOOK OUT!

The more we know where we are going, the more likely we are to get there. So I will tell my vision. I call it Heartland Security, because our true security is in the land of the heart. In contrast to the fear-based idea of homeland security, when we restore the HEART to the heartland, the Golden Rule will finally overrule the rule of gold. Next we bring love to the LAND as we recognize that economy and ecology are one and the same. I’ve said it before. If we lose the Earth, there goes the GDP. It is my vision that we weave a web of mass-construction that creates good goods and greater goodness, a healthy wealthy commonwealth living in harmony not harm.

And HEART plus LAND equals SECURITY — instead of the insecurity fomented by fear, we have the inner security fueled by love. Instead of pulling ourselves apart in a tug of war, we are all pulling together in a tug of peace.

Yes, I know. This sounds utopian.

And … one of the great visionaries of the 20th Century, Bucky Fuller wrote a book that predicted the choice we face right now: Utopia Or Oblivion.

In other words, in order to avoid going to hell in a hand basket, we have to go for heaven on earth. A tough choice, I know. Heaven or hell? Hmm. Let me think.

So what the hell are we waiting for? The beginning of the world is at hand, and it is up to us to go for Bucky Fuller’s World Game, “To make the world work for 100% of humanity in the shortest possible time through spontaneous cooperation without ecological damage or disadvantage to anyone.”

That sure beats the heck out of the “end-of-the-world” game.

It’s our choice. The Bucky STARTS here.



Steve Bhaerman

Steve Bhaerman is an internationally known author, humorist, and workshop leader.